Monetizza le tue Competenze

Lancia il tuo Business Digitale

Sconti fino al 50% fino al 2 Giugno

Challenge yourself, bring your idea online, create your website and start selling your first online course even without VAT

49 €

41,65 €/Month

Prices excluding VAT
    • Custom Website and Domain
    • Ticket Assistance
    • Platform demo via Skype
    • 10% Fee on sales
    • 500 Contacts (CRM)
    • Send 1.000 email/monthly
    • Creation of 5 products/videocourses
    • Creation of 10 Offers
    • Creation of 20 pages
    • Creation of 5 funnels
    • 1 Account admin
    • 25 Automatic Email (Autoresponder)
    • Base Statistics.
    Not included in the plan:
    • Stripe and Paypal connection(your sales amounts are sent to you on a monthly basis)
    • Business in Cloud's mail Server
    • Tech Support for your students
    • Remove BusinessinCloud ad
    Best choice

    You get all the features to launch your digital project, do marketing and sell in complete autonomy without any commission.

    129 €

    109,65 €/Month

    Prices excluding VAT
    • 100 Crediti AI Extra
    • 20.000 Crediti Email Extra
    • custom Website and Domain
    • Ticket Assistance
    • Platform demo via Skype
    • 0% Fee on sales
    • 5.000 Contacts (CRM)
    • Send 20.000 email/month
    • Creation of 20 product/videocourses
    • Creation of 40 offers
    • Creation of 60 pages
    • Creation of 15 funnels
    • 3 admin accounts
    • 100 Automatic Emails (Autoresponders)
    • Statistics
    Not included in the plan:
    • Helpline
    • Unlimited use of the platform
    • BusinessinCloud mail Server
    • Remove BusinessinCloud ad

    You have no limits to grow your business with dedicated support. Bring your School online, create an Academy or a Marketplace.

    249 €

    211,65 €/Month

    Prices excluding VAT
    • 200 Crediti AI Extra
    • 100.000 Crediti Email Extra
    • Zoom IntegrationNew
    • custom Website and Domain
    • Ticket Assistance
    • Platform demo via Skype
    • 0% Fee on sales
    • 25.000 Contatti (CRM)
    • Invio 100.000 email/mese
    • Server di posta di BusinessinCloud
    • Prodotti/videocorsi illimitati
    • Offerte illimitate
    • Pagine illimitate
    • Funnel illimitati
    • 10 Account admin
    • Email automatiche illimitate
    • Statistiche avanzate

      Are you ready ⁕ to bring your business online?

      Compare ⁕ features

      Custom website and domain
      Contacts (CRM)5005.00025.000
      Website Page1030Unlimited
      Landing Page2060Unlimited
      Funnels creation515Unlimited
      Over 300 Page and Funnel templates
      Custom Theme
      Assistants Account1510
      Access to the Digital Business Academy
      Storage space50GB200GB500GB
      Remove BusinessinCloud ad
      Cookie Banner GDPR Compliant
      Create Promo BannerBasicAdvanced
      Artificial Intelligence ✨ New
      Monthly request number50100200
      Landing Pages generator
      Course generator
      Lesson and module creation
      Writing for Texts and Blog
      Video subtitles
      Video transcription
      Support Brand Identity creation
      Copywriting for Social Media
      Hashtag generator
      Writing for Webpages Texts
      Writing for Emails and Newsletters
      AI ProfilesNew025
      Full support
      Demo platform
      Video Tutorial
      Email support
      Ticket support
      Technical support for your students
      E-Learning New
      Creation of Products/Videolessons520Unlimited
      Number of students10010005000
      Reserved Area
      Bundle of Products/Videolessons
      Gradual release of lessons (Drip)
      Manage time of access to product
      Comments creation and management
      Groups management
      Shared Dashboard between subscribers
      Tests and Quizzes creation
      Automatic compression of uploaded videos
      Certificates of completionBaseAvanzati
      Video OptimizationNew
      Webinar and Live Classes
      Connect your Zoom Account
      Manage Zoom from Business in Cloud
      Organize Meetings, Recurring Meetings and Webinars
      Live streams and classes in your private area
      Automatic Zoom recordings in the library
      Automatically create courses with recordings
      Complete participant statistics
      Create Offers to sell products and services1040Unlimited
      Commissioni sulle vendite10%0%0%
      Sell by subscription
      Sell in installments
      Free access products
      Custom Checkouts + Template
      Offer free trial
      Unlimited Bump Offers
      Customized One-Click Upsells
      Customized One-Click Downsells
      Request shipping data
      Create custom coupons
      Abandoned Cart
      Open and Click Email
      Form Funnels and Pages
      Purchase Offers
      Course Subscription
      Course/Lesson/Modules Completion
      Delay Automation
      Filter Automation
      Create your affiliate network
      Your customers become your affiliates
      Generate affiliate registration links
      Import your affiliates
      Customize commissions for each affiliate
      Manage commissions
      Pay commissions with PayPal
      Affiliate area with dashboard
      Stats and reports
      Upload promotional materials
      Create an automatic reward program
      Receive notifications on affiliate performance
      Send automatic emails to your affiliates
      Payments and invoicing
      Customize VAT in checkouts
      Connect Paypal account
      Connect Stripe account
      Accept payments by bank transfer
      Accept payments by crypto
      Fatture in Cloud integration
      Fattura24 integration
      Secure Payments
      Automatic receipt creation
      Automatic electronic invoice
      Email Marketing
      Send Email Broadcast/month1.00020.000100.000
      Create Email Autoresponder25100Unlimited
      BusinessinCloud email server
      Over 1300 templates
      Custom Tag
      Send Email
      Lists management
      Automatic Emails (Autoresponder)
      Import Contacts
      Export Contacts
      Automatic segmentation of Contacts
      Dynamic content of Emails
      Custom email signature
      Email activities tracking
      Automatic unsubscription management (GDPR)
      General Statistics
      User behavior on your WebsiteAdvanced
      Pages and Funnels analyticsAdvanced
      Email StatisticsAdvanced
      Sales and revenues trendAdvanced
      Subscriber monitoringAdvanced
      Traffic source tracking (utm)Advanced
      Reports export
      Advanced Integrations
      Active Campaign
      Advanced (Javascript)
      Facebook Pixel Tracking
      Google Analytics
      Security New
      SLA 99.5%
      Daily Backup
      24/7 Monitoring
      SSL Certificate
      Access and Device Management New
      Protect your videos from unauthorized downloads New

      +2,500 inspirers, professionals, entrepreneurs and digital creators use BusinessinCloud to launch and grow their businesses. Read their stories.

      After years of marketing consulting I started selling online training courses, I was looking for a platform totally in Italian and I discovered BusinessinCloud that allowed me to automate everything in no time and have a convenient course delivery channel for my students.

      Silvia Santolin, Teacher

      Online presence today is essential for all types of businesses. It took me a while to understand this, I had to attend several training courses. Then I finally met BusinessinCloud and launched my Digital Academy. I am achieving great economic success and much more time for myself.

      Paolo Marcigliano, Real Estate Agent

      Since we started doing online training we have decided to marry BusinessinCloud 100%. We don't need to use any other platform, here we have all the tools to promote, we don't have to go crazy integrating different tools and we save time and money.

      Samuele Muffato, Entrepreneur